Even though this book was written for kids, adults should not hesitate to give it a read. It was had a fast moving and engaging story line that pulled me further in with every chapter. For over 200 year the people of Ember have lived in harmony, but that peaceful existence is coming to an end. The city’s light is not provided by a natural source but hundreds of lights that are strung high above the city, powered by the city’s huge and ancient generator. But the generator and the city are in decay, the city’s once well stocked store rooms are bare, and the Mayor appears to be corrupt and out of touch. It is up to 2 teens to follow the clues and find the way out of Ember.
Over all, the Movie was very faithful to the book with only short deviations that did not feel harmful to the plot of the book or movie. I was really taken with the detail of the movie, there was truly was that feeling that people have been living in a confined city for 2 centuries. Everything was worn, things were used and reused over and over, or repurposed in some way.
I loved both the book and the movie. I think they can be enjoyed together or separately, but if I had the chance I would have read the book first.
Cross Posted to GoodReads & Movie, Music, & More Blog.