| Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Walt Disney Fairy tale story of Snow White and the adventures she has with the seven dwarfs, the prince, and her evil step mother. ...More |
Romantic Comedies
| City Lights Chaplin, Charles A tramp wins the love of a blind flower girl and attempts to obtain money from a millionaire to help her regain her sight. ...More |
| The Searchers Ford, John A Civil War veteran spends five years on the trail of a Comanche raiding party that kidnapped his dead brother's daughters. Breathtaking scenery gives a picture of frontier families separated by miles of emptiness. ...More |
| Raging Bull Scorsese, Martin Niro, Robert de Moriarty, Cathy Graphic biography of 1949-51 WBA middleweight boxing champion Jake LaMotta. Directed by Martin Scorsese. Best actor Oscar for De Niro. ...More |
| Vertigo Hitchcock, Alfred Scottie Ferguson, a San Francisco police detective is forced to retire when a freak accident gives him a severe case of acrophobia. Ferguson is hired by a rich shipbuilder to follow his wife who is behaving suspiciously and might be planning suicide. He falls in love with her, she is later murdered and Ferguson becomes demonic in his desire to re-create her in another woman. ...More |
| The Wizard of Oz Fleming, Victor Dorothy, her dog Toto, and three friends set off for the mysterious Emerald City in search of the Wizard. Although pursued by the Wicked Witch of the West, they finally reach the Emerald City and receive an audience with the Wizard ...More |
| 2001: A Space Odyssey Kubrick, Stanley Obscure in its meaning and symbolism, the film is famous for its award-winning special effects and for such sequences as the duel between astronaut Dullea and the computer HAL and the recurring appearances of a mysterious black monolith. ...More |
| The Godfather Coppola, Francis Ford The Corleone family nearly falls from power in America but rises to observe the passage of rites from father to son. There is a balance between family life and the ugly business of crime in which they are engaged. ...More |
Courtroom Drama
| To Kill A Mockingbird Mulligan, Robert The award winning story of a small child who learns that there is evil in world. Set in the backdrop of the South, during the Depression, a white woman accuses a black man of rape. And while he is obviously innocent only one man will step up to defend him. ...More |
| Lawrence of Arabia Lean, David Presents the story of T.E. Lawrence (Peter O'Toole), the heroic and troubled man who organized the Arab nations to fight the Turks in World War I and then, having reached a pinnacle of power in Mideast politics, retired to postwar military obscurity ...More |